Hair tattoos: do you dare?

Do you know what hair tattoos are you? They have nothing to do with ink, but they are just as cool. It is about drawing different shapes by cutting more or less hair. The good (or bad) is that when your hair grows a little you can try other designs. We give you some ideas in case you dare to try it.

What can I tattoo on my hair?

  • Colored hair tattoos

In addition to the cut forming blocks of hair, we love that they have been had in different colors. Super original.

  • Star Hair Tattoos

Due to their geometric shape, there one of the easiest drawings to make on the hair. Do not worry about having your hair shaved at the nape of the neck, with loose hair it will not be noticeable. Also, if you have a lot of it, it is a great option to not have so much volume.

  • Flower hair tattoos

Something more complicated to do is this hair tattoo but it is so beautiful that it is worth it. When you collect your hair in you can boast of a unique hairstyle.

  • Tribal hair tattoos

Tribal also look great in the nape area. When your hair grows, it will be very easy to change that design for a different one.

  • Droplet Hair Tattoos

We love this hair tattoo, especially because of how its owner has combined it with purple hair. We want it now!

  • Initial hair tattoos

Yes, you can also wear initials like this guy, who has a hair tattoo with the letter ‘R’. It is quite discreet compared to others of the same type so you will be able to keep it longer.

  • UFO Hair Tattoos

You can’t be more original, of course. Why hadn’t you thought about this possibility? Of course, you must find a very experienced hairdresser who knows how to draw a drawing as complex as this one.

  • Spiral Hair Tattoos

This combination of three spirals is one of our favorite hair tattoos. In addition, that pointy effect looks wonderful, especially with a top not as current as the one worn by the girl in the image.

  • Mountain hair tattoos 

It is a minima list drawing of mountains with intersecting lines, two concepts that are very fashionable right now.

  • Moon and stars hair tattoos

A drawing of the moon is always a good idea, especially on one side of the head accompanied by stars like these. Precious.

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