How to care for a tattoo the first two weeks: expert advice

Tattooist something that you will wear on your skin for the rest of your life. For this same reason, it is very important to choose the design well, the place on your body where you are going to do it, the tattoo artist who will do the work in his studio and, of course, commit to yourself to take care of it in the best way. Possible.

The decision of your tattoo will change your body forever. From the moment you do it, you will have to live with that design throughout your life, which is why you have to meditate a lot on the drawing or phrase that you are going to do. And, also, protect it very well since otherwise you could suffer an infection… And we don’t want that at all!

To help you in the process of knowing perfectly how to care for your tattoo the first two weeks, we know the steps you should follow thanks to the expert advice given by tattoo artist. Pay close attention, this will surely interest you!

Tattooed skin care during the first 14 days

Tattoo throughout your life is important to be able to boast of it, and we know that. But doing it correctly, and especially during the first weeks or the first days, is crucial for the final result to be the desired one, don’t you think?

However, surely more than once you have raised the same questions about the care of tattoos. Especially if it is the first tattoo that you are going to get, and you are still a little inexperienced in the matter. How long do you have to apply cream? How can you tell if the tattoo is healing properly? Peaceful! We are going to tell you the steps you must follow in those essential first days.

Tips to take care of the tattoo the first day after doing it 

1 transparent plastic

Once you have gone to the tattoo studio that you have chosen, you have made the and you go home, the tattoo artist will put a kind of plastic or transparent film on the drawing. The reason? In the first moments the tattoo is oozing, expels ink or blood and that is when there is the greatest risk of it drying out, sticking to clothes and, therefore, of having infections.

However, when do you have to take it off? Everything will depend on the tattoo artist, so you should listen carefully to everything he has to say. There are those who recommend keeping it 24 hours or the whole night, but there are those who assure that one or two hours would be enough for the correct healing of the tattoo.

2 Clean the tattoo well 

Once you remove the transparent film it will be time to wash the tattoo for the first time. To do this, be very calm! You should wash your hands very well with soap and water and then start cleaning the area. Use glycerin or neutral soap if possible and rub gently with your hand (never use sponges or towels). To dry the tattoo, you DO NOT have to rub, simply use absorbent paper or kitchen paper and tap the design. The ideal is to leave it in the air for about 5 or 10 minutes so that it can oxygenate a little.

3 apply the cream 

After washing the design, you should apply a specific cream for your tattoo through a small circular massage to keep the area properly hydrated. And, since we are on the first day, the ideal is that you put a little transparent paper over the tattoo again for a few more hours (or all night).

How to take care of the tattoo from the second day onwards?

1 wash the tattoo 

The morning after you get the tattoo, when you wake up, it will be time to clean yourself again like you did the first time. In this sense, it is very important that you thoroughly remove any traces of blood or ink that may have remained after the first day. Remember to always do it without rubbing, carefully, and dry it very well with the help of absorbent paper.

From the second day onwards (especially the first two weeks) it is recommended to repeat the tattoo washing process once or twice a day. In this way you will be ensuring that the tattoo is free of possible or bacteria that could spoil it.

2 The creams you should use

What happens with the creams the rest of the days? Well, as Diego Ruiz explains, you should be applying the same specific cream 3 or 4 times a day with clean hands for at least the first two weeks. Afterwards, and for the rest of your life, it is recommended to use a moisturizing cream every time you get out of the shower and, most importantly, at protect it from ultraviolet rays.

3 Tattoo healing and healing 

If you have already had several tattoos you will know perfectly what are the signs that your design is. However, if it is the first time and the process has never been explained to you before, you should take into account the signs or changes that your tattoo makes and, when in doubt, ask your tattoo artist.

What signs indicate a correct healing of the tattoo? Very simple, once the first 5 days have passed, the skin will begin to regenerate; giving rise to a new one, and the area will begin to peel off. If a scab appears, it will be a sign that you have not been hydrating it as you should, especially in the first 24 hours. In these cases, NEVER rip it off or scratch the area hard because there could be empty holes in your tattoo.

Important recommendations to take care of a tattoo 

Now that you know the steps that you must follow both on the first day and on days after up to two weeks, it is also important that you pay attention to some recommendations that the tattoo artist makes so that your design looks beautiful and perfect… For a lifetime!

  • During the healing of the tattoo it is not advisable to sunbathe or bathe in the sea or in the pool. For this same reason, the ideal thing if it is the first tattoo that you are going to get is tour it is not too hot in your place of residence. It will be much easier for you to heal the tattoo.
  • As we said a few lines above, it is important to keep the tattoo hydrated during the first days, but also throughout life. If you are going to be exposed to the sun for a long time, or during the summer months (even if you don’t go to the beach or the pool) do not forget to apply a good layer of sun cream on the tattoo.
  • 3 or 4 days after getting the tattoo you will surely notice some itching in the area, but remember not to scratch it as you could spoil the design-
  • It is recommended to avoid sweating in those first days in which the tattoo has not yet fully healed. In this way, you will be protecting your tattoo from infections and bacteria.
  • You should not apply hydrogen peroxide, beta dine or alcohol to the tattoo while it is healing. You can apply the specific creams that we have told you about before, rose hip or aloe Vera in the area.

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