Tattoos to cover stretch marks: A good solution?

Can I tattoo over stretch marks on my skin? This is an interesting question that you may have asked yourself at some point in your life. Stretchmarks are small lines that appear on the body as a result of a sudden weight change, in response to pregnancy, the use of certain medications, or the growth that our body experiences from when we are small until we reach adulthood. These lines that start pink, end up turning white and are very difficult (if not almost impossible) to remove. Over time, they can end up becoming an aesthetic problem that gives many women a complex daily.

However, not all girls who have stretches see them as a blemish. Some support wearing them naturally while others strive every day to hide them. And in this sense, our beloved tattoos come into play: Is it a good idea to get a tattoo on stretch marks to cover them? we answer the question.

Getting a tattoo to cover stretch marks, yes or no?

Just as there are certain skin problems on which tattooing is strictly prohibited (as is the case with varicose veins or keloids), there are other imperfections that are suitable for injecting ink on them, such as scars or blemishes. Moles. And in the case of stretch marks, can they be tattooed or not?

Stretch marks are cracks in the skin. The skin loses its flexibility and when it is stretched or reduced excessively, it is marked, presenting a much thinner and more fragile appearance. Stretch marks generally appear in areas where the skin is much more vulnerable to sudden changes, such as the abdomen, breasts, or hips.

So, if the skin is injured due to stretch marks, can it be tattooed? The answer is yes, but you have to take several things into account:

  • Stretch marks act exactly from tattoos. They can be tattooed, but the quality and attractiveness of the design will not be the same as in a healthy area of ​​​​the skin. The colors of the tattoo will be less sharp and will be less noticeable.
  • It is best to look for a design that adapts to the stretch marks, that is, that somehow fits its shape to hide or camouflage them as well as possible.
  • Talk to your tattoo artist to assess the different proposals and choose the most appropriate and creative one for you.
  • There are cases in which to solve the aesthetic problem of stretch marks but remember that it is best to find out first and consult with professionals.

Advantages of tattoos to cover stretch marks

Did you know that there is a type of tattoo created solely and exclusively to cover stretch marks? His precursor to him is the Brazilian tattoo artist Rudolph Torres, who already has more than a million followers who are passionate about his technique. This type of tattoo is somewhat peculiar since it does not consist of drawing a design on top to cover the stretch marks, but rather it is about filling the lines with our skin color to offer a result that is as natural as possible. These are the advantages of getting this kind of tattoo:

100% natural result

The main advantage of these tattoos is that, after doing it, your skin will present a completely natural appearance. Stretch marks will be completely hidden and your skin will be free of blemishes, so you can proudly wear those short dresses or any other item of clothing in your closet that previously gave you a complex.

It will make you feel better about yourself

If stretch marks make you self-conscious to such an extent that they are causing yourself, getting one of these tattoos to hide them will help you a lot to feel better about yourself.

You can make the design you’ve always wanted

Although the original idea is to obtain a natural result, you can take advantage of your stretch marks to have the perfect excuse to get that tattoo you’ve always dreamed of but never dared to get. Some of the most beautiful and suitable designs to cover stretch marks are feathers, leopard spots, or vines.

Disadvantages of tattoos to cover stretch marks

The advantages are many and varied, however, and unfortunately getting a tattoo to cover stretch marks also has some drawbacks:

Hides the problem, but doesn’t make it go away

The negative part of these tattoos is that they solve the problem of stretch marks only superficially. No matter how much we manage to cover them up, the stretch marks will not disappear and that reinforces an even deeper problem: accepting.

They are an optical illusion

We are not going to fool ourselves, the result is fantastic, but above all, we must not forget that tattoos to cover stretch marks are an optical illusion. Stretch marks are a type of scar that arises from a lack of skin when our body develops and, therefore, they will always be present in it.

Not everyone can do them

Stretch marks are very thin areas of the skin and, as such, they need special treatment. Not knowing how to work on them properly can end up leaving a much more visible scar on your skin and even cause much more serious problems, so you will probably have to spend a lot of money to have a professional tattoo artist hide them correctly.

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