The special meaning of skull tattoos

Are you thinking of getting a skull tattoo? You are in the right place! We tell you the special meaning of skull tattoos, something that will be very useful for your next design. And, if you are just curious, you will be able to answer all your questions. You will never see a skull or skeleton tattoo in the same way again. Let us begin!

What meaning do skull tattoos have?

It is common to think that a skull tattoo speaks of death; however, this is only one of its meanings. Did you know that in many regions this type of tattoo is more of an ode to life? Yes, yes, as you hear it, a symbol of life and a whole celebration of it. But let’s go step by step, shall we? These are the meanings that a skull tattoo can have, you will see how curious!

Ode to life and also to change

As we told you before, skull tattoos, of whatever type and style, speak of life, of the passion to live it fully, and also of change and the transition to death. We have, then, that this type of tattoo speaks of life and the transition to death, and this is seen as a change and not as a tragedy. We will say, therefore, that the one who wears this tattoo wants to cling to life but that does not mean that he fears the passage to the ‘other life’.

The forbidden and the dangerous

More than the meaning of skull tattoos, it is a quality that is associated with those who wear them: the taste for the forbidden, the dangerous, and the dubious nature. It does not cause fear, but, it does not cause concern, but it does cause respect, for themselves and for the unknown that does not belong to this world; they say that skull tattoos can say a lot about one’s personality for a reason…

The positive and also the negative

Skull tattoos symbolize positive and negative attributes in a person, especially when complemented by another symbol, flames, crossbones, daggers, or scorpions. In turn, this type of tattoo expresses the desire to do well.

Skull tattoos symbolize eternity

Life, death, change, and also eternity. Have you seen the meanings of a tattoo as common as the skull? In many cultures, skulls are spoken of as a symbol of the eternity of the soul and the rebirth of being.

Symbol of triumph and rebellion

It has always been said that tattoos of this type, in addition to what has already been seen, represent triumph and rebellion, of oneself and against the society in which one lives. Strength, change in life, and energy in the face of adversity.

The skull tattoo is associated with the Day of the Dead in Mexico

As you well know, death is a reason to celebrate life in Mexico because those who leave move on to a better life. This is another of the meanings attributed to a skull tattoo: death and new life so celebrated in Mexico. Las Carinas or Garbanceras skulls, the sugar skulls, are the maximum exponent.

The most common types of skull tattoos

Now that we know a little more closely what the meaning of skull tattoos is, do you think we go to see what the most common types are? If you are thinking of doing a body design of this style, it will be good for you to discover which are the most popular, let’s see them!

Skull tattoo with mirror

This type of tattoo speaks of the change in life but in another way, emphasizing the physical beauty that, sooner or later, will end up leaving. It also reminds us that what matters is the interior which is where the unique beauty of each one lies.

Skull with roses

Why is it that skull tattoos are usually accompanied by a rose? Well, according to what we have been able to find out, what is intended is to create a strong and at the same time sweet design that reveals the feelings of the wearer.

Skull tattoo with a clock

When you see a skull tattoo with a clock, this is the meaning you have to give it: time, time well spent and well lived; and time for one and to dedicate to others without forgetting those who have already left.

Skulls with hat tattoos

It is usually the tattoo preferred by men, but many women also wear it. The hat on or next to the skull speaks of respect for life and death; of the passion to do what one wants; Furthermore, it is a nod to the world of cinema and to the many films in which the hat is a symbol of mystery.

Pirate skull tattoos

Did you know that the pirate flag is made up of a human skull? His goal was to be scary, now rather, this type of tattoo speaks of respect and ephemeral beauty.

Katrina’s tattoos in color

The Carinas are the most represented Mexican skulls in this body art. With an attractive and very striking design, if they are made in color, they symbolize the celebration that is held in many regions of this country to commemorate the passage from life to death. It is said that many of these Katrina skull tattoo designs are a faithful representation of the work of a well-known Mexican painter.

The best place on the body to get a skull tattoo

What is the best place on the body to get a tattoo of this type? Well, if you have already decided on a design of this style, we advise you to do it in this or that area of ​​​​your body depending on your tastes and the size of your tattoo.

  • If it is the first time that you are going to get one, the best thing to do is to opt for a small-size design, for example, on their forearm.
  • If you draw it on your leg, for example, on the quadriceps, you can enlarge it as you see it or as your tattoo artist advises you, you can also fill it with color and add details like the ones we have seen before rose, clock, flowers…
  • That is to your liking, of course, but it combines well with the style that these tattoos have, having such a specific and special meaning, not everything is good for them.
  • If you are already an expert in skin designs and you want a big one, you will have to bet on doing it, on the ribs or along the entire leg. Choose yours well, select the details that you are going to wear, and decide if you want it in color or traditional black.

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